Killing Conflict
When you are stuck in the cycle of fighting with your spouse, parent, sibling, child, friend, at what point can we change the cycle? You may be asking how to stop the fighting, how to get along, how to have peace with your loved one. It’s frustrating to wonder how God is moving through your struggles and why you feel like your prayers are not being answered. We need to rise up to find peace end the fighting. Growing near to God helps us to win these battles. How to get along with your family.
Christian Women Modesty
Women are no longer modest in 2024. We have a crisis of how women dress. Modesty is not valued to women anymore. Many women are comfortable and confident, but scantily clad. Most young women feel pressure to dress a certain way. Women have to learn how to deal with comparison. Women disagree on what it looks like to honor God with how we dress. We are called to be set apart and holy. This is what it looks like to be holy with how we wear our clothing.
Christian Accountability
Christians argue about doctrine. Theologians like to discuss small details of the Bible that people disagree on. Why is there so much division? Contradictions of the Bible do not exist, but there are surprising things in the Bible that show the difference between Christian faith and culture. What do we do about the debate on whether we should judge other Christians? Should we judge people? Doesn’t the Bible say not to judge? Why do Christians judge? These are all questions I answer to help us learn how to walk in God’s will for our lives and find purpose in life.
10 Bible Verses for Confidence
List of 10 Bible Verses to help gain confidence. Women struggle so easily with self worth, self esteem, worry, and overthinking. We need to learn how to stop doubting ourselves, and instead speak Scripture over ourselves that is helpful to fight off negative thoughts. We need to learn how to fight the enemy, be strong in the Christian faith, know Jesus better, and learn how to have discipline. Scripture is our strongest weapon against the enemy. Read these ten Scriptures to help find peace in who you are. This shows us how to know our self worth when we speak life into ourselves instead of death. Memorize Scripture like this to be strong in Jesus! Let Jesus gift you with confidence.
From Comparison to Purpose
Comparison is rampant in our culture, especially for women. As Christians, we desire to put this battle behind us so that we can love one another well. It’s not easy. This is the story of how I was able to stop comparing myself to other women, and start building them up and loving women as my sisters. We are stronger when we are unified in Christ and have the boldness to love other women well.
Speak Jesus Over Yourself
How to find hope again starts with learning how to speak Jesus over yourself. We declare His power over our lives and get rid of idols that hold us back from growing in Jesus. When you don’t know what to do anymore, and you have run out of prayers, or if you don’t feel like God is moving, don’t give up hope. Instead, learn to speak Jesus, feel loved by God, and let Him motivate you to realign your heart with God.
What It Means to Actually Trust God
What does it look like to fully trust God, and not just say we trust Him? Do you realize the depth of that statement? Our God calls us to trust Him. He desires us to know He is good and that He will not let us fail. Jesus teaches us to learn how to trust Him and to seek Him so that we do not have to worry. The Holy Spirit provides us with what we need so we don’t need to believe the enemy’s lies and can instead have faith and hope in Jesus. Being a Christian means we will overcome circumstances and trusting God is how. Learn what it means to actually trust Jesus.
Becoming Trustworthy to God
God wants us to trust Him but He also calls us to live a higher life and live a life that is set apart. The Holy Spirit brings us to a place where we learn to live on mission for Him and walk in obedience toward what He is assigning you. You can learn to be trusted by God. How good it would be to have a Lord who knows His servant is faithful and will do what He asks of Him! Let us be doers of faith.
When Your Worry Is No Longer Helpful
Women especially have a tendency to not be able to stop worrying. It can be hard to overcome overthinking. Christians struggle with overthinking just like everyone. Knowing Jesus can help us to learn how to stop negative thoughts and OCD thoughts that we want to learn how to control. Putting an end to worry will put us in a position to better serve God. We need to put on the armor of God to stand against the plots of the evil one and learn how to not be affected by our own thoughts in the same way that keeps us from opportunities where we can partner with Jesus. Learn how to say no to the enemy and his lies.